Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Top Reasons Why Starting an Exercise Program with a Group or Partner Can Be Much More Effective

Many of us start out our day with great intentions of incorporating a workout, gym session, or a brisk walk into our daily routines. However, there are times when work, school, family, and other daily activities seem to get the best of us. An easy solution to assuring that exercise becomes part of your daily life is by finding a workout partner or group to join. Not only will this hold you accountable, but you are much more likely to stay on a steady and consistent program. Here are some key benefits to why working out with a partner or with an organized group can be fun and rewarding:
1. Starting a program isn’t so daunting: Deciding not to start an exercise routine is often based out of fear. Having a partner and/or a group environment allows those seemingly scary exercises to be a lot less threatening and a lot more fun.
2. Motivation is self-reinforcing: Each time you complete a workout with a partner and/or group, you know you are getting one step closer to your health and fitness goals. Motivation from a partner or group can also help you get through those days when staying on track seems impossible.
3. Limited Opportunities for Excuses: This is a big one and it is directly tied to motivation. Not only do you have to be accountable for yourself and your workouts, but you also have to be accountable for someone else. It is easy to make personal excuses, but a lot harder to come up with excuses to say to others. You know in the back of your mind that you are not only letting yourself down but your partner and/or group as well.
4. It is Social and FUN!: Training with a partner and/or group offers a high level of energy and social interaction that you would not get on your own. There is always more laughing, and individuals seem to have more fun in this type of format, even when they are working hard. Many times stronger friendships and bonds form, which again, enhance the experience you have with exercise. This directly relates to making fewer excuses because nobody wants to skip out on his/her friend or the rest of their group.
5. Learn Something New: Often times working out with a partner and/or group will allow you to learn new skills and exercises you may have never tried on your own; adding to the variety of your workouts. It will also allow you to go outside your comfort zone in relation to these new exercises, getting you further towards you health and fitness goals.
6. Cost Effective: Lastly having a workout partner or joining a group fitness class will allow you to receive all the benefits listed above without having to spend big bucks. Most group classes, for example, will run you approximately 10-20 dollars depending on the class and service received.
Alright it is time to hit the ground running! Now that you have the steps to getting you on a consistent workout plan it is time to apply them - no more excuses! Not sure of how to apply them? Grab a few friends, form a group, and check out small group training opportunities - most personal trainers offer a major discount for parties of 2 or more. Group Fitness classes are offered here at Conditioning Specialists on Monday and Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm. Whatever way you decide to stay consistent you can rest assured that someone will be there to keep you smiling, accountable, and on the way to achieving your health and fitness goals!


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