Tuesday, March 31, 2009

David Evans - Featured Client

Check out this month's featured client, David Evans. David, the Merchandise Manager of Magellan's Travel Supplies, has been training at Conditioning Specialists for 2 and a half years, and what started as a "vain attempt to look good for his friends" has now become an integral part of his everyday life.

David says that a typical week usually consists of 6 work out days. "Saturdays are my biking days...usually 40 to 60 miles. Sundays are all about exercising my pooch Riley...he loves to hike or if my legs have recovered from my Sat. ride we do a great hill jog. Mondays are for cardio... currently I'm loving the Battle of the Bulge classes at CS but I'll jog or swim if I don't take the class in order to break that sweat. Tuesdays I train with Doug. Wednesday is back to cardio. Thursdays find me oDavidn the couch catching up on my DVR'd shows. Friday back to training with Doug."

David approaches life with a "no time to waste" attitude and has been able to stay in shape as well as engage all aspects of healthy living. He says "I love living in California and want to be able to enjoy the great outdoors for decades to come. I have a family history of heart problems and despite my healthy active life style I, too, have symptoms of the disease and dangerously high 'bad' cholesterol levels. I refuse to live a life that requires daily pills to function. It's bad enough that I have to take one for my genetic cholesterol problems...I will not be reduced to the side effeDavid3cts of medicine when I can exercise and eat right and achieve better results and health with the only side effect being-- I look and feel better."

Regarding his body, David says, "Even though I pretty much weigh the same and I wear the same size pant….my structure really has evolved to a leaner stronger form with some actual muscle definition….why I can even wear a t-shirt in public and feel good about myself. The only fat on me is that little bit on my 52 year old stomach that just will not go away…of course being addicted to chocolate could be part of the problem."

When it comes to motivation, David reasoned "I love feeling good and energetic. I see so many of my contemporaries that don’t have the oomph to really enjoy life and I say ‘nope, not going there’. My training with Doug has always given my results and when you see results you gotta keep coming back for more. Plus I want a picture of me and my six-pack to replace Jesse’s shirtless photo on the studio’s wall….LOL or am I serious…better not rest on your laurels J."

David has also had some major milestones within the Conditioning Specialists Studio. He says that he's "Not sure if it’s the day I did a 12 sets of walk-out pushups (for those of you that haven’t been so tortured that’s 144 pushups) or the day I did 4 sets of 8 walk-outs---that’s 256 push-ups! If you saw me you would say—that little old fart can’t do 256 push ups and I would agree….that’s why a trainer is so important to me. I would never push myself to those limits and I would never get those kind of results on my own."

As far as the future looks, David pictures himself "Right here looking the same and hitting it just as hard. I just don’t seeing me getting old (okay older) and not being able to do whatever I want. I think that’s a mind set of a different generation. I will be biking, hiking, jogging, and training until they put my in the ground. Slowing down and giving in or up is not an option."

David is an integral part of CS and lucky for the studio he says, "I consider Doug and team true friends and have enjoyed great times above and beyond training but when I’m training I go to a different place and you guys become the masters and I become the grasshopper…I totally respect your education and devotion to your work and I ‘just do it’…at that point you are not my friends….cuz if you were I’d tell you to go jump in a lake."


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